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Our Environment, 200 years later

Why 200 years? Uruguay 2011 celebrates the Bicentennial of Independence – Our Environment, 200 years later

Since 1973, the 5 June each year marks the World Environment Day. This year is dedicated to forests. Uruguay celebrates this day with the theme: framed native forest biodiversity and protected areas.

As part of the Bicentennial celebration and the World Environment Day, the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment has coordinated with various stakeholders across the country, a series of educational activities, information and awareness on the importance of our environment.

Awards Photo Contest “Say Water”, released in March as part of World Water Day. The delivery will be in charge of the National Water Director, Mr. José Luis Genta.

Guided tours by park rangers in: Gorge of the Crows in the department of Treinta y Tres, St. Lucia Wetlands in the department of Canelones and Estuaries of Cords in Black River department. (Where I live)
In Montevideo, there will be a guided tour of the campus of Faculty of Sciences, which contains a representation of different types of native forest in our country.

In theaters, will be the musical and giant puppets for all age groups “With the birds painted” by Julio Brum.

Hosting the National Comedy Gala “Winter’s Tale” by William Shakespeare at the Teatro Solis.

Also the pre launch of projecting environmental film festival simultaneously in 103 centers across the country MEC the Uruguayan film “Scorched Earth”.

By Demir Pereira, Periodista Corresponsal


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