SCARICA il Programma Famiglia Custodisci il Creato
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Comunicati durante l’evento:
20140329 01 CS Messaggio Papa_FamigliaCustodisciIlCreato!
20140329 02 CS FamigliaCustodisciIlCreato!_apertura
20140329 03 CS FamigliaCustodisciIlCreato!_sintesi mattina
20140329 04 CS FamigliaCustodisciIlCreato!_pomeriggio
20140329 05 CS FamigliaCustodisciIlCreato!_conclusioni
Segreteria di Stato _Mess.Papa
Cardinale Baldisseri – Conclusioni
Qui troverete il servizio tv che sintetizza i contenuti del convegno
The role of family for the “ecological conversion” of society
Jeffrey Sachs, Gary Gardner, Felix Finkbeiner, Mons. Vincenzo Paglia: are some of the speakers who will attend the study day “Family, Safeguard Creation!” organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family and Greenaccord in the Vatican. The aim is to create a debate in order to obtain proposals and suggestions for the work of the Synod of October and investigate strategies to conduct families towards the adoption of styles compatible with the safeguarding of nature
Rome, February 12, 2014: Indispensable but difficult to achieve. The “ecological conversion” of Western society is a breakthrough indicated as urgent and imperative from the international scientific community. And at the same time it is invoked by countless pleas and official documents of the Catholic hierarchies, who have not miss the opportunity to stress a steady point: a collective widespread change of mentality, deeply affecting collective lifestyles, can only start by responsible behavior adopted within the family. A core for building a society truly in tune with nature.
The theme will be one of the issues that will be addressed during the Synod takinge place in Vatican from 5th to 19th of October 2014. In view of this crucial event, the Pontifical Council for the Family and the non-profit Association Greenaccord, are organizing the study day “Family, Safeguard Creation!” on 29th March, from 9 am to 19 pm, in the Hall of St. Pius X.
Two working sessions, that will be attended by prominent personalities of the international scientific and theological scenario. In the morning session are scheduled to speak His Eminence Metropolitan Ambrosius of Helsinki; Luigino Bruni, an economist and coordinator of the of the EdC International Committee, Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University; Roberto Moncalvo, president of Coldiretti.
In the afternoon are scheduled to speak P. Guido Innocenzo Gargano, camaldolese monk of San Gregorio al Celio, Gary Gardner, a researcher at the Worldwatch Institute, Leonardo Becchetti, economist at the University of Tor Vergata, Felix Finkbeiner, founder of the international movement “Plant for the Planet”.
In the end, will speak one of the Neapolitan families who participated in the project “The Earth is your home” that Greenaccord has put in place together with the Diocese of Naples with the aim of encouraging the adoption of sustainable lifestyles, and a family who lives the drama of the “Land of Fires”. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family will close the event.
Press accreditation reccomended.