we’re really sorry about it, but our sorrow has been eased by the messages sent by our network of journalists and speakers: greenaccord’s family.
We will transform their support into energy that will be used up to organize the next international forum.
Zadie Neufville
Hello Alfonso, Teresa, Mirriam,
I am so sorry that your plans have fallen through and I do understand the struggles you have to make this a reality in the tough times. I know how much this annual event means to all of you and look forward to other better times ahead.
My prayers are with you.
Demir Pereyra
Dear friends, how to apologize if you give us all, year after year. This is just a fact that I hope can overcome unfavorable.
Italy is a solid, it has had to once again go through a difficult test, but throughout history have been able to rebuild and rise from the ashes.
Alfonso, all the love and affection, and recognition of your remarkable effort illustrious host.
Go my fraternal embrace, for the whole team Greenaccord, see you next year with renewed energy to reconnect again.
Darryl D’Monte
Dear Alfonso & team
We totally understand and share your disappointment but also look forward to many more meetings in future!
Thank you for all the effort the GA team has put in.
Yu-Tzu Chiu
Dear Greenaccord,
Thanks for the notification. Thanks for all you’ve done for the forum. See you guys next year!!
Alvaro Eduardo González Gervasio
Caro Alfonso:
Anche a me dispiace che non ci vedremo quest’ anno a Costa Rica come avevamo pensato. Mi ricordo la conversazione che abbiamo avuto durante il ritorno da Cuneo a Roma l’ anno scorso, sulle difficoltà da affrontare ma anche sulle speranze messe nel primo incontro di Greenaccord nell’ America. Non arrivare alla meta desiderata non vuol dire per niente cheavete fallito. Sappiamo dei vostri enormi sforzi per organizare questo incontro nel Costa Rica, e vi ringrazimo di tutto ciò che avete fatto.
La nostra cara famiglia Greenaccord rimarrà sicuramente unita durante quest’ anno,a anche se non ci eincontrerremo di persona. Sarà allora al 2014 in Italia! Nel frattempo saremo in contatto via mail, Facebook, e tutte le meravigliose tecnologie della comunizazione che stanno facendo il mondo meno grande e inacessibile.
un abbraccio dall’ Uruguay
Alex Savulescu
My dear friends – Alfonso, Teresa, Miriam, Claudio, and everyone else,
I’m sad to hear about the troubles, but heartened by your friendship and dedication.
Whatever happens, Greenaccord is a like a family, and families may be apart, but they’re not broken.
I look forward to our next meeting in 2013; separation will only make the heart grow fonder.
With all my best wishes,
Jon Dee
If there is anything that I can do to help with next year, please count me in […] Like the others, I feel a strong connection to you all and am incredibly proud to be part of the Greenaccord family.
Lucia Martinez
Proprio non mi sembrava giusto per voi che avviate un peso cosi’ grosso. Gia’ fatte e avete fatto tanto per noi […] Dentro ho sentito che questo e’ un nuovo passo in avanti per Greenaccord, e su questo taglio ci saranno tanti frutti […] la passione e l’amore restanno e sono preziosi!
Christine MacDonald
[…] however, I want to thank you for the efforts you make to put this event on each year. It is a forum that has allowed me to gain a much deeper understanding of many of environmental issues facing the world. I always come home having learned something new, in addition the enjoyment of making and maintaining friendships over such long distances. Hopefully next year will bring positive news not just on the economic but also on ecological front, and we will all see each other again.
Leon Marshall
I am of course sad that this year’s Greenaccord
meeting had to be cancelled but fully understand
the circumstances. I do hope and pray that the
situation will change for the better for the sake
of Greenaccord as for Italy and everybody else.
Nalaka Gunawardene
[…] We will miss that experience this year, and hope the economic
prospects will get better for you and for all o us next year.
Dalia Abdel Salam
Dear Alfonso and all Greenaccord family,
Thank you so much for all the efforts you did and you are still doing to make every single meeting a success and an unforgotten one!
Nothing matter that we can not make it this year, we’ll wait to meet in 2013 in BEAUTIFUL Italy 🙂
Maria Zulmira Souza
Greetings from Brazil.
It is really a pity that we cannot meet this year, specially because of the 10th Anniversary of GreenAccord.
If it is hard for us I can imagine how hard it is for GreenAccord director’s Group […] in all these years you’ve been so brave and great. GreenAccord always gave us a lot without to ask anything back. This is a real proof of your very high qualities and devotion to the cause of make this world a better and more peaceful place.
Tony Barnosky
That is too bad that the meeting had to be canceled. It looked like it was going to be very productive […] Thank you for your invitation, in any case, and for your efforts in trying to organize it. Perhaps something similar will be possible in the future.
Fernandez Julio Mario
Dear Mr Cauteruccio, I regret the bad news with the Forum. I was looking forward to participating and representing WWF. Forums like this one constitute a real opportunity to discuss and set a proposal of an agenda to follow up on the coming years. Please, keep me posted with news about your initiatives and if you find it relevant, invite us again to be part of them and to contribute pushing forward sustainable and media issues.