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Victor Bacchetta, explains what the latest report on the Open Pit Mining Aratirí.

Samin Ferrus, renewed its commitment for the extraction of iron in Uruguay, but despite the best efforts on your make up, it is impossible to hide the losses of the project that will extend for 80 years, soil, surface water and groundwater, said Victor Bacchetta, environmental journalist and writer.

He added the influence it will have a 2-mile out fall to discharge effluent into the ocean, but they pollute the beaches of the coast of Uruguay’s tourist area.
Aratirí presented to DINAMA (National Environment Management), its second Impact of Environmental Assessment, which would enable it to start the extraction of iron in the open on Valentines.
The first report was rejected by the dynamics, form and content reasons.

Victor Bachetta  says the fee to stay in Uruguay is not determined, adding that there is more than 40 times the iron had no consistency, as today there was no access to that information.
Confirmed after analyzing the report Aratirí, which affect 5 courses of water, and therefore the environmental impact in the area of ​​Valentines.
Mention the effect on the course of the Yi River, Valentines, the shells, the stream waters Las Palmas and sub​​-terranes.

Bachetta notes that the area where the mining would Aratirí, is desert, and the latest study confirms that act negatively on agriculture, livestock and people, destroying the ecosystem of the whole area.

Note to Victor Bachetta Radio AM LIBRE

Manuel Mendez
journalist Greenaccord
Montevideo – UruguayVictor Bacchetta, explains what the latest report on the Open Pit Mining Aratirí.
Samin Ferrus, renewed its commitment for the extraction of iron in Uruguay, but despite the best efforts on your make up, it is impossible to hide the losses of the project that will extend for 80 years, soil, surface water and groundwater, said Victor Bacchetta, environmental journalist and writer.

He added the influence it will have a 2-mile out fall to discharge effluent into the ocean, but they pollute the beaches of the coast of Uruguay’s tourist area.
Aratirí presented to DINAMA (National Environment Management), its second Impact of Environmental Assessment, which would enable it to start the extraction of iron in the open on Valentines.
The first report was rejected by the dynamics, form and content reasons.

Victor Bachetta  says the fee to stay in Uruguay is not determined, adding that there is more than 40 times the iron had no consistency, as today there was no access to that information.
Confirmed after analyzing the report Aratirí, which affect 5 courses of water, and therefore the environmental impact in the area of ​​Valentines.
Mention the effect on the course of the Yi River, Valentines, the shells, the stream waters Las Palmas and sub​​-terranes.

Bachetta notes that the area where the mining would Aratirí, is desert, and the latest study confirms that act negatively on agriculture, livestock and people, destroying the ecosystem of the whole area.

Note to Victor Bachetta Radio AM LIBRE

Manuel Mendez
journalist Greenaccord
Montevideo – Uruguay

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